Great Houses Go to War in a Brand New Smite Update
The Smite Houses at War Battle Pass brings a host of new fantasy and armor-themed cosmetics, including Yu Huang’s first new skin, House Dragon Yu Huang! Embrace the might of dragons with this Draconic skin instantly when you buy the Battle Pass. As you bravely challenge the other Great Houses and progress the pass, you’ll unlock incredible cosmetics and two more skins; House Jackal Anubis and House Phoenix Amaterasu. If you manage to make it to the end of the pass, you’ll be rewarded with House Unicorn Chang’e – cutting a regal figure in her fantasy unicorn-themed armor. Test your might against the Great Houses of Smite and you’ll certainly be pleased by the rewards that await you.

A brand-new Battle Pass isn’t all we’ve got for you in this update; we’re also going to be updating the Conquest map with the brand new Volcanic Chaos Conquest! This fiery map embraces Polynesian themes with a beach on the order side and a volcano alongside the Fire Giant. This refresh will also come with a number of spicy changes to the structure and mechanics of the map; most notably the Duo lane, where the Naga camps behind Gold Fury (who now also keeps spawning throughout the match) will have their pathing reworked, and the “Safe” Naga camps have been merged into one contestable camp that drops Indra’s Scepter, rather than coming from the Obelisks! The changes to the map and jungle also include an Invader’s Curse rework and the new Polynesian Obelisk. This obelisk change makes the Jungle Mists persistent and allows for Crab Offerings, replacing the Lost Knights with various mini jungle monsters! That’s not all of the changes, though; a number of the important jungle objectives have had exciting adjustments, so you should have some new experiences out on the battleground!
Finally, for all you Avatar: The Last Airbender fans out there, make sure you’re not a few plums short of a fruit pie, because Momo Ratatoskr is coming to the battlegrounds! Take our favorite flying lemur out for a good time (and maybe some team fights!) If that’s not enough, the Odyssey: Soaring Isles is continuing as well; unleashing Catlas Atlas and Twilight Sky Jing Wei. The Odyssey’s discounted purchase price increases over time; so be sure to complete the event and instantly get your hands on the Brand New T5: Crow of Torment Hades! Lest his crows come to strike fear into the unworthy!

Hop into Smite today and check out all the new content in the latest update, including the Houses at War Battle Pass, Volcanic Chaos Conquest, and Avatar: The Last Air Bender – Momo for yourself!

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