BMX Comes to Riders Republic Today in Season 4: Freestylin’
Riders Republic Season 4: Freestylin’ brings BMX to the Republic on September 14 for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Available for purchase as part of the Year 1 Pass, or as a standalone starting September 21, the BMX Sport add-on includes a new BMX career mode featuring plenty of grinds and half-pipe riding, and three new disciplines: Street, Park, and Dirt. Riders can also take a trip to Area 52, the new zone dedicated to BMX. It’s a former classified industrial zone filled with satellite dishes and abandoned warehouses, and it houses many alien secrets that will be the foundation for several BMX-themed events throughout the season.
BMX isn’t the only thing coming to Riders Republic; Season 4 also marks the start of a partnership with Vans, as well as new sponsors including Cult, Odyssey, We The People, Flybikes, and SubRosa, which bring new customization and gear options. Later in the season, be sure to participate in the Vans Waffle Cup and the Red Bull Uncontained events to show off your handlebar skills. More events are planned throughout the season and be on the lookout for five new funkies – unique vehicles that take the extreme sports action to a whole new level.
Check out Riders Republic and its Freestylin’ new season starting September 14 on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

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