No Man’s Sky: Endurance Update Available Today
In the first six months of this year, No Man’s Sky players on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Game Pass have already enjoyed two major free updates (Sentinels and Outlaws) and a large but brutal expedition (Leviathan). As we approach our 4th anniversary on Xbox, we are proud to announce our third free update of the year. Endurance launches today and is free to all Xbox and Game Pass players.
The freighters of No Man’s Sky are huge, arresting vessels which have long served their traveler captains as they embark on missions to the far reaches of the galaxy. As the name suggests, Endurance is a nod to epic voyages in striking ships and is our opportunity to put these impressive craft front and center.

For the first time, you will be able to build intricate freighter bases to rival their planetary constructions, with the added benefit that these ones are able to sail across the stars. We have cranked up the customization of these capital ships to the max, and we’re looking forward to seeing the same base-building creativity in space as we see planet-side.
Design and build your floating base with scanner rooms, shops, planters, refiners, and extractors to name but a few. Then populate them with a crew who will move from room to room through glass corridors with incredible starlit space-vistas as they carry out their duties.
Corridors and bridges are not confined to the interior of your ship either. A walkway on a freighter’s exterior provides an amazing vantage point to view the planets, stars and all-new asteroid fields. Photo-mode at the ready!

And you’ve not experienced a warp-field until you’ve seen one from the bridge of a freighter!
It is always delightful to see Xbox and GamePass players pour into No Man’s Sky in such high numbers around updates and we are seeing longer and longer play times with every content drop. With Endurance, we’re excited to see our Xbox travelers, old and new, assemble in droves again.
Our journey continues.

No Man's Sky
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