OlliOlli World is Available Today and We’re Here to Help You Become a Skate God
In OlliOlli World, you start with a board and a dream — your goal is to become Radlandia’s next Skate Wizard. What is a Skate Wizard, you ask? Well, as you might expect, they are a person who is a really good skater and also a wizard. How does that work? Luckily for you, I work at Roll7, and I am here to give you some of the best tips and tricks on how to create skateboarding magic and make it to the top of the leaderboards.
So, without further ado, I present: The World’s Best* Guide To Skate Wizardry
*(and only)
Fit Check

Does character customization have any mechanical impact on gameplay in OlliOlli World? No. But technically, leaning forward and hitting the buttons harder on your controller doesn’t make you more likely to win, either. And yet we all know that it works!
So, you’ll start the game with a pretty solid selection of available outfits, haircuts, skateboards – all the good stuff. However. If you want to achieve the immaculate drip of a true Skate Wizard, you’re going to need to unlock some of the wilder options – and that means you gotta complete some of Mike’s challenges. I recommend getting yourself over to Hidden Hills in Cloverbrook ASAP in order to unlock the turtle hat. Like… it’s a hat that’s a turtle. You need to have it.
Stick the Landing

Ok, so, you’ve secured your turtle hat (or you’re wearing another, less cool hat – I’m not the boss of you), and you’re ready to face some tougher challenges. One of the best ways to achieve higher scores and sail through to the later levels is mastering the perfect landing. It’s a simple mechanic – all you have to do is press A just before you land. It’s one of the easiest ways to boost your score, but it’s also kind of easy to forget to do it. I recommend sitting in a dark room and hitting the A button over and over until it becomes muscle memory.
Mix It Up

Of course, Skate Wizards were not meant to live on perfect landings alone. OlliOlli World offers up more tricks, grabs, and grinds than ever before – and if you want to make it through all of Radlandia you’ll need to learn as many of them as possible. The more varied the tricks you try, the higher the score you’ll be able to achieve.
Your crew in-game will slowly introduce you to new tricks as you play, but if you’re keen to get a head start on learning all of them, you’ll want to check the Tricktionary. In here you’ll be able to see different tricks that are available to you, along with the buttons and joystick moves you’ll need to perform them. String tricks together for score-boosting combos with manuals, and experiment with late tricks to really take your skills to the next level.
Maybe the Real High Scores Were the Friends We Made Along the Way

Still, while rad tricks and huge airs are pretty important, a true Skate Wizard knows that the power of friendship is also key to reaching Gnarvana. You’ll have your trusty crew at your side as you skate, giving you tips and tricks as you progress to steadily tougher and tougher challenges. But you can also find other inhabitants of Radlandia, who might offer you the chance to skate some exclusive spots if you take the time to chat with them… rumor has it that taking alternate paths through levels might be a good way to find these new friends and discover their hidden challenges.
With our asynchronous multiplayer modes, you’ll also be able to compete against your real-life friends – more importantly, you’ll be able to watch their replays. Why does that matter? Well, because there are multiple ways to approach every single obstacle and level in the game, taking inspiration from what other people have tried can be key to completing tough challenges or getting higher scores.
I cannot wait to see you smashing the high scores, nailing grabs over massive canyons, and ultimately achieving your skate destiny in becoming the next Skate Wizard in OlliOlli World. The game is out today, so don’t delay in picking it up, and I’ll see you out there in Radlandia.

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source https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/02/08/olliolli-world-is-available-today/
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