Destiny 2: The Witch Queen and Season of the Risen Launch Today
Rise of the Witch Queen
From everyone at Bungie, we couldn’t be more excited about the state of Destiny right now.
Our newest expansion, The Witch Queen launches today alongside the Season of the Risen. This marks the beginning of Destiny 2’s Year 5. We hope you’ve been following along since the expansion’s announcement in August; not only did we kick things off with a huge showcase event, but we’ve also released cinematics, trailers, blogs, and a really cool behind-the-scenes ViDoc. And now, the wait is finally over. The Witch Queen has arrived.

Whether you’re a New Light or a seasoned Guardian, join us in Destiny 2. Play through the first two missions in The Witch Queen and try out the new crafting system. You’ll walk away with a new Glaive that’ll upgrade your arsenal, even if you decide you don’t want to pick up the expansion. You can also face off against the Lucent Hive in the new PsiOps Battlegrounds activity and start unlocking Seasonal track rewards.
The final chapter of the Light and Darkness saga starts today. We hope you join us in the fight to take back the Light.
The Witch Queen
Like the Witch Queen herself, we view this latest Destiny expansion as a sister to the Taken King expansion we released six years ago.

We believe it is some of the best work we’ve ever built in Destiny, and whether you love heart-pounding first-person-shooter campaigns, or deep action MMO gameplay, The Witch Queen is worth a look:
Definitive Destiny 2 Campaign
Explore the mystery of how the Witch Queen came to possess the Light and gift it to her followers. In this definitive Destiny experience, we’ve infused the campaign with elements that have been fine-tuned in our most memorable Exotic quests and dungeons.
Legendary Mode
For the first time ever, we’re introducing the new pinnacle of campaign challenges: Legendary Mode. In Legendary Mode, you’ll play through the campaign while testing the limits of your skill. Triumph, become legend, and claim prestigious rewards for your effort.
Weapon Crafting
Crafting has finally arrived in Destiny 2. And with it, players can build weapons (including the new Glaive) with custom perks, shaders, and stats. Like most of us, I’m sure you already have an idea of what makes for a perfect Destiny 2 weapon. Now you can build it.
The Glaive
The newest weapon archetype since Bows and the only melee weapon you can use while in first-person. Start by building it at the Relic and then use it to perform melee combos, fire projectiles, and even create protective shields.
The Throne World
Made up of several distinct sections, this new destination is where you’ll travel to decipher new mysteries. Experience the new Wellspring activity, new Vow of the Disciple raid, and a new type of Light-wielding enemy that players have never encountered before: The Lucent Hive.

We’re all really proud of the work we’ve done on The Witch Queen and are excited that launching it alongside Season of the Risen allows us to continue telling this epic story through a wide variety of game modes and settings.
Season of the Risen Starts Today
The Witch Queen’s arrival has sent ripples throughout the system and the Vanguard have turned to their Cabal ally, Empress Caiatl, for assistance. Armed with Light-suppressing technology and complete rework of the Void subclass, Guardians will face off against an unrelenting horde that rises from the dead.

PsiOps Battlegrounds
In this new matchmade activity, teams of Guardians meet the Witch Queen’s army on the battlefield where they’ll use Light-suppressing technology to target her lieutenants and destroy their connection to the Light.
Void 3.0
Free for all players, the Void subclass has been completely redesigned to utilize the power of the Aspects and Fragments system used by Stasis. Each class now has three new Aspects to choose from as well as a plethora of Fragments to customize their builds to pinpoint precision.
New Exotic Quest
Guardians must investigate Psionic anti-Caiatl propaganda emanating from a bunker on Mars and unlock the Exotic wave frame Grenade Launcher, Dead Messenger.
Synaptic Spear
In Season of the Risen, the Seasonal Artifact will serve dual purposes. Not only can it be used to unlock mods to customize your playstyle, but you’ll utilize the Spear’s Light-suppressing technology to enter the minds of the Witch Queen’s Hive Guardians.
Along with a brand-new Seasonal story that directly connects to The Witch Queen, there are also new Legendary weapons, armor, cosmetics, weekly challenges, ranks, Triumphs and Seals, Trials, Iron Banner, and more.

There’s plenty of free content for everyone to experience, so hop in today and check it out. Destiny 2 is available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, as well as on numerous other platforms
Thank you for reading and for playing. We can’t wait to see you on the Throne World.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Deluxe Edition
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Deluxe + Bungie 30th Anniversary Bundle
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