Mayhem Brawler Takes You to the Skies with the Air Supremacy Update
Officers of Stronghold have squared off against the hexes of wizards, put lycanthropes behind silver bars, knocked vampire teeth out, and faced spectral powers of Mejin’s since August 19th.
It would be safe to assume that the crime rate has dropped, but far from it. In a city that never sleeps, you can never lower your guard. With the newest Air Supremacy update, officers will receive plenty of additions to their arsenal! But how did this update become a reality?

Let’s Go Crazy!
During Mayhem Brawler’s beta, some of our playtesters expected more fast-paced combat from time to time. Rather than our strategic approach to the battle system, brawlers just wanted to go crazy with the action. But the release was right around the corner.

After a few brainstorming sessions, the team decided to augment the combat for a future update, but we needed diverse alternatives. Alternatives that would not break the balance of the game. It was time to observe some old-school games, and irresistibly, we have taken a page out of Capcom’s beloved Versus series, most notably, the second title; Marvel Super Heroes. One of the most beloved franchises of all-time in the history of fighting games that are famous for their roster and marvelous combos. Every title has a special place in our hearts, but back in the day, due to the popularity of comic books, this game was an exceptional experience, along with X-Men: Children of the Atom.

These titles were the games that defined the franchise’s combat mechanics in general. OTG (Off-the-ground) attacks that juggle your rivals, relentless chain-combos, launchers, aerial combos, and flashy super special moves. These were the mechanics that made this franchise unique in its core system. It never gets old to land crazy combos against your rivals and feel exhilarated. At Hero Concept, we wanted our players to feel the same emotions we felt while playing these amazing titles and bring nostalgia to those who experienced them back in the good old days while preparing this update. Thus, it was time to turn our inspirations into actions!

We have been efficiently updating Mayhem Brawler, but the 2.0 Air Supremacy will be its grandest enhancement yet. By not only presenting new moves to execute on your arsenal but with overhauled combat mechanics, officers will take their fight to the skies. Counter incoming enemy attacks, launch them in the air, strike knocked-down opponents to hurl them up for juggling opportunities, unleash a flurry of aerial combos, and land the final blow with new air special attacks. Plenty of options to go with, but you know, combos are like potato chips, you can’t have just one!

With the new additions of the Mayhem Brawler 2.0 Air Supremacy update, we hope that you find the enjoyment of landing crazy combos against the thugs and villains of Mayhem Brawler as you patrol the streets. With its overhauled combat mechanics, we cannot wait to see what kind of insane combos you come up with! The 2.0 Air Supremacy update is available today for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S for free. See you in the next update brawlers!
-Your friendly neighborhood superhero developers.

Mayhem Brawler
Hero Concept
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